Monday 9 April 2012

Man jailed two months for stealing chewing gum

An Abuja Senior Magistrates’ Court on Thursday sentenced a suspect, Oriade Tosin, of Zone B, National Assembly Quarters to two months imprisonment for stealing chewing gum and cereal valued at N4,270.
However, Senior Magistrate Ann Akobi gave the convict an option of N1,000 fine, the News Agency of Nigeria reports.
Police prosecutor David Udeh told the court that on February 19, Danaladi Ode of Amigo Supermarket, Wuse 2, Abuja, reported the accused to the police.
Udeh said the complainant told the police that the accused entered the supermarket and stole two Orbit (Wrigley) chewing gum and one Sultana Bran cereal.
Udeh said that during police investigation, the accused admitted to have stolen the items. The accused, who pleaded guilty, begged the court to have mercy on him.
In delivering her judgment, Akobi said his sentence would serve as a lesson and deterrent to others.